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€0.00 - €1,365.00

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1. History

Since 1994, COMATEC stands out by regularly distilling its avant-garde creations and other strong concepts on the high-end packaging market in France and internationally (40% of export sales).
A positioning bold that each year enriches the offer and brings a new breath. Precursor of ephemeral dishes design with creation and production in France, COMATEC has established itself as the leader in the catering and catering market.
By privileging the direct contact with the professionals of the restoration, COMATEC has created a complicity with its customers and now benefits from a perfect understanding of their operating methods, their expectations and the evolution of their business.
This proximity has allowed the house COMATEC for over 20 years to propose relevant solutions that mark the evolution of the market.

2. Values

C :Creativity, design, practicality at food professionals’ service!
O : Originality to enhance chef’s creations!
M : Mastering French know-how by defending French know-how!
A : Authenticity which is recognized and appreciated by French and international customers
T : Technical sophistication in all the company’s process to continue innovation with qualitative products
E : Environmental commitment as well as social engagement
C : Curiosity and fancy that help us to question ourselves permanently!

3. Know how

For more than 20 years, COMATEC stands up for the French Know-How:

  • - Refined design
  • - Premium quality
  • - Product features and practicality
  • - Customer service reactivity
  • - Products availability
Comatec firm has always honoured its commitment both on environment and social issues.Its social and environmental responsibility manifests as :
- Socially responsible investing with sustainable know-how and French production tools’ improvement.
- Local Partnership strengthening with ESATS (organizations that help disabled people back into work): COMATEC is the first partner of social centers for disabled people in its department (Aude,11)..

-Recycled and recyclable material use : Products made of PS (polystyrene), Pure PS use, recyclable and recycled, suitable for food contact Products made of PS (polystyrene), Pure PS use, recyclable and recycled, suitable for food contact Produtc made of RPET, reclycled PET used with tracability Production in France: CO2 emissions are mastered thanks to geographic proximity which allows short supplies.
- Research and development of alternative products with the creation in 2009 of the ALTERNATIV ECO range (registered trademark) by offering bio-based materials (sugar cane fibre, cellulose, cardboard, palm, wood, etc…) Research and Development of new eco-friendly materials and new production process by favouring eco-conception and optimization..


Thanks to privileged direct contact with professional customers, COMATEC is inspired and requested to create new products and new concepts. Goal: to help food professional enhance their creations, relay a strong image to stand out from competitors and to retain customers.
Its design office never stops and constantly works one news developments in order to bring a real added value to new products by elaborating fun and strong concepts and by diverting some products from their original use.

5. Vision & Mission

The food service industry keeps evolving just as the consumers’ behavior, dictated by our lifestyle and other economic factors.
COMATEC firm must be at the cutting edge old new trends to answer to emerging needs and expectations such as deliveries and on-the-go and responsible consumptions.
Its will is to continue assisting existing and new customers in their growth by bringing its know-how and affordable practical high-end packing expertise.
Design has to go with practicality and to be accessible to all!

6. Facts And Figures

Head office : Siège social : ZI Lannolier, Bd Xavier-François Fafeur 11000 CARCASSONNE, France
Workforce : 26 employees 
2016 Turnover : + 21M€. 
More than 20 years experience. 
More than 2000 available references. 
65000 sqm² of storage space and logistics center. 
10 000 customers in France and abroad. 
70 exporting countries. 
Loyal and prestigious clientele: Grande Epicerie de Paris, Marriott & Sheraton Group, Fauchon, Lenôtre, Raynier Marchetti, Autret, Four Seasons Hotels, Traiteurs de France

A firm which exports itself with 40% of its turnover: Europe, USA, Midle East, Russia, Japan, Australia

Each year, Comatec launches its novelties to liven up and retain its clientele in France and abroad!

7. COMATEC, 24 years of sustainable commitment

Fully aware of its social and environmental responsibilities, COMATEC has made Sustainable Development a part of its corporate strategy since its creation in 1994. COMATEC's commitment is translated into concrete actions based on three key issues: French manufacturing , eco-design and societal commitment.

  • French manufacturing: 90% of COMATEC manufactured products are designed and manufactured in France for rigorous quality control, robust reactivity and limited CO2 emissions. By maintaining its production in France COMATEC supports the know-how of its local partners and plays a driving role for its economic environment.
  • Eco-design: COMATEC puts a point of honor to develop solid products, reusable (ceramic, glass, stainless steel, injected PS ...), recyclable (cardboard, food rPET, injected PS ... ), biodegradable or compostable (materials compliant with EN13432 and OK compost standards), taking care to limit their environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle, from their design to their end of life.
  • Social commitment: COMATEC is involved in the social and human issues of its time. First, by ensuring the well-being of its employees. But also by supporting, for more than 20 years, the insertion of disabled people: it is besides the first partner of the Establishment and Service of Help by the Work (ESAT) of the Aude.